

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and a restful day. We sure did. Christie is home from the University of Utah and we enjoyed a hike at Mt. Madonna before dinner and then a movie later. I always have a hard time on Thanksgiving when all my kids are scattered around the state and country! I missed Michael but knew he was having a good time with Heidi, Darin, and the kids. Franz and Serena are in Utah with her folks and they are having a good time from all reports! We went to see Australia last night and enjoyed it very much! Of course Hugh Jackman was outstanding and beautiful as usual, Nicole Kidman is another outstanding and beautiful person, but I was totally captivated by the little boy who starred and narrated the movie. Unfortunately I can't remember his name but I hear that this was his first time acting. I thought he was the most beautiful child actor I have ever seen and recommend this movie highly. I don't think I will be able to see Twilight after this! ( I better not get started on that one!)
Today we are off to Trader Joe's in Monterey then to sit on the beach and have a picnic! Hope your day is great!

1 comment:

delaney said...

I had a great thanks giving!! I LOVE U!!