

IT IS A HUNDRED AND TEN IN GILROY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's About Time

For the past several months my blog has just sat here being very lonely. However, with school over for the year I have a few more moments to tell about my interesting life.
You probably know by now that this July I'm taking a group of Tour Students to Hungary, Austria and Germany. We have six concerts scheduled and we are all primed and ready to go. It has been a long, hard year dealing with all the travel arrangements, getting students prepared, dealing with..... well, you know how it is when 75 people plan a trip together! My hair is a bit grayer and I have a dozen more wrinkles, but, HEY, I love this! Now with 7 more weeks to go, I'm hoping that I can slow down some and mentally, physically and spiritually get ready.
As always, I keep a good book handy and presently I'm reading an old, 1936 Newbery award winner by Ruth Sawyer called Roller Skates. I spied this book in the school library while I was teaching and had to check it out. While at BYU and majoring in Education, I tried to keep up on all the Newbery books, but here was one I never read! Well, it's a far cry from anything my children and grandchildren read now-a-days, but you might be as captivated in it as I am. Old fashioned fun, that's what it is!
Well, back to my Tour. This is my 4th Tour and this time something really wonderful will be happening. This will be the first time that my family will be performing with me! My youngest daughter Cassie, who is 14, and my oldest granddaughter MaCall,13, will be joining me as performers. I am so proud of them! It has made a world of difference to me and for this reason I'll love this tour more than ever. Since I've been suffering with tendonitis my personal practice time has suffered, but hopefully with more rest and the Physical Therapy I'll recover someday!
Summer Camp is my next big project BEFORE the Tour. This year I'll try to add photos.(Cassie, will you help me?)
I'll keep you posted on the progress of the music we make over here!!