
A New Me!!

I've been pretty busy with all my violin goings on, but here's a new start!!
As you maybe know, I'm a wife, mother, grandma and a violin teacher to 105 violin students!! This coming year my Tour Group will be traveling to Hungary to perform for the Kodaly Institute in Kescemet. Then we will perform in Vienna and Saltzburg, Austria and conclude in Munich, Germany.As you can imagine, I'm really swamped with work! But, I 'm really longing and looking forward to reading your blogs and keeping intouch this way!! I love hearing about your lives and all the exciting, wonderful things you do! As I get better at doing this, I'll post pictures!
Thanks to Heidi for helping me get this going! I'm stuck in the 60's I guess, but hopefully I'll enter the 21st century one of these days!!
Have a great day!


Christie said...

Well, the 60s aren't so bad. :)

heidi said...

I am so glad you got it all figured out. I am up and running again. Keep the new posts coming!!

Potters said...

You're not stuck in the 60's! You are all modern woman - just too busy to blog!
