
An Up Date

Yesterday Martin was back in the hospital. He has a kidney stone and a mild inflammation of the bowel as a result of Crohns Disease. On Wednesday he will go back for a CT Scan to determine just how far the Crohns has progressed. He is at home now and it is difficult since he is in a lot of pain and will be until he passes the kidney stone. Chronic illness is just no fun for all involved. His pain is our pain and  everyone suffers along with Martin. Church was hard because we always have to act like everything is good and nobody really cares anyway! Not being sarcastic or anything and I'm not bitter and I even taught my Relief Society lesson, but just by rote and not really feeling anything. I'm glad I'm an experienced teacher and can "act" the part. Well, keep us in your prayers!!!


Goodbye Delaney - A Tribute to My Grandchildren!

We are getting ready to take Delaney to the airport. Her stay has come to an end and I'm really going to miss her! She has been so delightful, willing to help, polite, smart..... I could go on and on She even started violin so I got her a violin to take home and she is doing very well already! I just have to say that I have awesome grandchildren!! Each one of the 6 has unique personalities, wonderful  qualities and I feel so blessed to have them!!! Of course they have WONDERFUL parents!! I have been blessed beyond measure with the choices my children have made for their eternal companions. Thanks for sharing your children with me!!!! Each of you are welcome here any time. Just let me know!!!!


A Wonderful Evening!

Saturday night I attended the Chamber of Commerce Banquet - The Spice of Life Awards and was honored as Gilroys 2008 Educator of the Year! It was the most wonderful night of my life! I can't even describe how awesome it was!! I was so honored and thrilled that some of my family were there: my son Franz and his wife Serena, my sister Suzie, my husband Martin, my best friend Bevan , and many teachers from Antonio del Buono School and Gavilan Hills Academy where I teach. So many good friends! It meant soooooooooo much to me to see the people I love the best and work with at the dinner. I really was surprised at myself for caring so much but I really did. Some of my grandchildren were waiting at home with Cassie - Delaney, who has been staying with us for awhile and bringing lots of sunshine to our house!., MaCall and Eloise - they always make us smile, laugh and be happy too. What a weekend!!!! I wish they could have attended but it was strictly adults and I could see why - lots of booze all night long! But it was glorious! All I can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!